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Klausuren Sommersemester 2024

Ab sofort können die Klausuren Strafrecht II aus dem Sommersemester 2024 zu den Öffnungszeiten am Institut abgeholt werden.

Die Klausuren Strafrecht III aus dem Sommersemester 2024 befinden sich noch beim Prüfungsamt. Sobald sie im Institut zur Abholung bereitstehen, wird dies an dieser Stelle bekannt gegeben.

USB Angebot: Ready to Hausarbeit

Sie schreiben eine juristische Haus- oder Seminararbeit, aber wissen nicht, wie Sie geeignete Quellen zu dem Thema finden können? Die Suche in Bibliothekskatalogen und Datenbanken ist Ihnen ein Rätsel?
Wenn Sie sich diese oder ähnliche Fragen stellen, dann freuen wir uns über Ihre Teilnahme und auf Ihre Fragen.

Über das USB-Angebot Ready to Hausarbeit bieten wir auch 4 Termine für den Bereich Rechtswissenschaften an:

12.08.2024, Zoom, Datenbank Beck-Online, 14 - 15.30 Uhr

18.08.2024, Zoom, Datenbank Juris, 14 - 15 Uhr  (Vorabanmeldung erforderlich)

21.08.2024, Zoom, Fragestunde Jura, 11 - 12 Uhr

27.08.2024, Zoom, Fragestunde Jura, 14 - 15 Uhr

Hier der Link auf unsere Jura-Angebote in EduLabs. Hier finden Sie auch hilfreiche Dokumente und ältere Aufzeichnungen.

Das gesamte, fächerübergreifende Angebot von "Ready to Hausarbeit" finden Sie hier.

Report International Conference: The United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime Turns 25

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime (UNTOC) and its Protocols, the Institute for Comparative Criminal Law had the great pleasure of welcoming experts and researchers from all over the world at Schloss Wahn to examine and vividly discuss the challenges and controversies of the UNTOC and its three Protocols.

Mark Shaw, Director of the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime, started off the conference with his engaging keynote address. He addressed the main issues of the UNTOC: globalization, digital transformation and corruption of political leaders. Although the UNTOC can be viewed as a major political and legal achievement in the fight against organised crime, implementations of public and transparent review mechanisms are still missing.

In the first panel, chaired by Bettina Weisser, Francesco Calderoni (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Transcrime) outlined the evolution of the UNTOC and questioned the rather vague and broad definition of what constitutes organised crime. A practical insight into the application of the UNTOC was provided by Calogero Ferrara, European Delegated Prosecutor. Using the fight against organised crime in Italy as a blueprint, Ferrara applauded the incorporation of the „economic dimension“ (Falcone method) in the UNTOC and stressed the importance of international cooperation for using confiscation as a tool in combating organised crime groups.

The second panel, chaired by Andreas Schloenhardt, focused on the Protocol against Smuggling of Migrants as well as the Firearms Protocol. Frank Zimmermann (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) critically reflected on the interpretation, exceptions and limitations of the main regulations in the Protocol against Smuggling of Migrants and questioned the lack of liability of public officials in this context. Following up on this, the progress and prospects of the Protocol were analysed by Luigi Achilli (European University Institute, Florence). He compared the differences in theory and practice and, in view of the future, asked for a more proactive, cooperative approach for effective migration management and humanitarian success. Afterwards, Max Menn (UNODC, Firearms Trafficking Section) illustrated the evolution and experiences of the Firearms Protocol by pointing out the global dimension of firearms and the challenges imposed by technological developments.

The third panel was chaired by Joseph Lelliott (University of Queensland). First, Marika McAdam, Independent International Legal Consultant and Policy Adviser specialised in rights-based criminal justice responses to human trafficking and migrant smuggling, focused on the relationship between the UNTOC itself and the Trafficking in Persons Protocol. She drew attention to transnational organised trafficking networks which are – in contrast to “small traffickers” – not in the spotlight of the UNTOC’s national implementations. The second speaker, Parosha Chandran (King’s College, London, Human Rights Barrister at One Pump Court Chambers and Parliamentary Advisor) gave an inspiring overview of her work protecting victims of human trafficking from criminal punishment. With regard to her daily work, she particularly criticised the absence of an obligatory no-punishment-provision for victims in the UNTOC and emphasised the need for amendments.

To conclude, the fourth panel, chaired by Florian Jessberger (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) concentrated on the future of UNTOC. The first speaker, Julia Geneuss (Universität Bremen) pointed out obstacles and challenges which may arise from further crime types such as poly-crimes, digitalization and environmental crimes. In addition, Karine Bannelier (Université Grenoble Alpes) discussed recent negotiations about a UN convention against transnational organised cybercrime and assessed its possible scope, purpose and impact. Finally, Neil Boister (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) illustrated difficulties regarding international cooperation under the UNTOC, using the example of extradition. He emphasised the importance of reciprocity, communication, recognition of crimes, political legitimacy and trust for an effective cooperation between signatory states.

Many thanks to our excellent speakers and guests for an inspiring conference!










Gastvortag Dr. Gianmarco Bondi, Università degli studi di Ferrara

Titel: Obligations to criminalise in the Italian Constitution and the ECHR

Datum: 26. Juli 2024, 17 Uhr

Ort: Seminarraum 0.103, Sibille-Hartmann-Straße 2-8, 50969 Köln


Gastvortrag: Dr. Laura Anna Klein

Titel: Reproduktive Rechte: Von Meilensteinen im internationalen Recht bis zur aktuellen Situation in Deutschland

Datum: 02.07.2024

Zeit: 18 Uhr

Ort: Universität zu Köln, Tagungsraum 0.04, Seminargebäude

Gastvortrag: Prof. Corinna Barrett Lain, , S.D. Roberts & Sandra Moore Professor of Law, University of Richmond School of Law, Virginia, USA

Titel: The worst of the worst: five death penalty problems and the court decisions that refused to solve them

Datum: 18.06.2024

Zeit: 18:00 Uhr

Ort: Hörsaal XVIII im Hauptgebäude


Gastvortrag: Dr. Erik Duesberg

Titel: Ich geh' mit dir wohin du willst - Grenzüberschreitende Strafverfolgung und -verteidigung in Europa

Zeit: 11.06.2024 um 18 Uhr

Ort: Universität zu Köln, Hauptgebäude, Hörsaal XVIII



Challenges, Celebrations, Controversies

6-7 June 2024 at Schloss Wahn

For further information please view the flyer and poster.

Prof. Dr. Weißer beim F.A.Z. Einspruch Podcast

Bild: Adobe Stock

In Folge 299 des Podcasts F.A.Z. Einspruch spricht Prof. Dr. Bettina Weißer über die Verurteilung Björn Höckes wegen Verwendens einer SA-Parole: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6aeqSL4C2aSleNIXHzLAFe


Gastvortrag: Prof. Corinna Barrett Lain

Titel: THE TANGLED HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN DEATH PENALTY – why the US embraced death while Europe discarded it

Datum: 29.05.2024

Zeit: 18:00 Uhr

Ort: Tagungsraum 0.04 im Seminargebäude
